In this post we're gonna create website on Dark WEB, yeah you read it right on Dark WEB. What we need ? just Linux nothing more. Linux can be on your Rasberry Pi or on Virtual machine or on your PC, it will work. you've Linux then Let's begin....
Step 1: update your repository on your Linux Environment
sudo apt update
Step 2: Download tor (don't worry it's so simple and it's not Tor it's tor)
what is the difference between "tor" and "Tor"?
Tor is Browser where we will access our website
Step 3: getting onion address for website
sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc
uncomment those two line(white line) then save it by pressing CTRL + X and then press Y then ENTER
Now start tor service in your Environment by
sudo service tor start
check if it is actually running or not?
sudo service tor status
then for getting your onion address(not your but your website's 😝😝 )
sudo cat /var/lib/hidden_service/hostname
and that's your onion address of your website . Wait we're not done yet
Now we need show something on our website then let's set up our website
Step 4: Set up website
first you need "nginx" so let's install it
sudo apt install nginx
Now start nginx service
sudo service nginx start
check if it is actually running or not?
sudo service nginx status
Now paste your onion address in Tor browser and BOOM your website is on darkweb.
I know website looks so ugly. then let's make little good.
But first let's make our website little more safer.
sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
And now just copy like this image
Now restart nginx service
sudo service nginx restart
and check status
sudo service nginx status
Now let's change html of our webisite,
cd /var/www/html/
now delete .html file in that directory and create index.html file and customize as per your choice,
sudo rm index.nginx-debian.html
and create index.html,
sudo touch index.html
and modify it
sudo nano index.html
and once again restart nginx and check your website
I hope you like this post
Thank You 😊😊
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