Let's move to doubly linked list , so in this post we're gonna talk about doubly linked list. it has previous , value and next in Node...
You can Learn about Singly Linked List Here
Doubly Linked List:
So as you can see in above image it is just like singly linked list but has one more requirement as address of previous Node.that is the reason you can go backward in doubly linked list but you can go backward in singly linked list because it don't have address of previous Node.
So let's move to code.
- For Creating Node:
class Node:
def __init__(self, data=None):
self.data = data
self.next = None
- From Here Linked List and Operation on linked list:
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
- Push or insert at End:
def push(self,newdata):
NewNode = Node(newdata)
if self.head is None:
self.head = NewNode
cur = self.head
while cur.next:
cur = cur.next
cur.next = NewNode
NewNode.prev = cur
- Insert at Beginning:
def insertAtBeginning(self,newdata):
NewNode = Node(newdata)
if self.head is None:
self.head = NewNode
NewNode.next = self.head
self.head.prev = NewNode
self.head = NewNod
- Insert After or Insert in between:
def insertAfter(self,middle_node,newdata):
NewNode = Node(newdata)
if self.head is None:
print("Linked List is Empty")
cur = self.head
while cur:
if cur.data == middle_node:
temp = cur.next # for cur.next.prev to set NewNode
NewNode.next = cur.next
NewNode.prev = cur
cur.next = NewNode
temp.prev = NewNode # bcz cur is overwrite by NewNode
cur = cur.next
- Remove:
def removeNode(self,data):
if self.head is None:
print("Linked List is Empty..")
cur = self.head
if cur.data == data:
self.head = cur.next
cur = None
while cur:
if cur.data == data:
if (cur.next != None):
cur.next.prev = cur.prev
if (cur.prev != None):
cur.prev.next = cur.next
cur = cur.next
- Print/Display Linked List:
def printLL(self):
if self.head is None:
print("Linked List is Empty")
cur = self.head
print("\nDisplaing Elements of Linked List: ")
while cur:
print(cur.data, end=" ")
cur = cur.next
You can perform more operation just like we perform on singly linked list which you can check Here
Now let's Sort doubly linked list:
- Bubble sort ( not recommended): code is same as singly linked list
def bubbleSort(self):
cur = self.head
idx = None
if self.head == None:
while cur:
idx = cur.next
while idx:
if cur.data > idx.data:
cur.data, idx.data = idx.data, cur.data
idx = idx.next
cur = cur.next
# time : O(n*n)
- Insertion Sort:
def insertionSort(self,head_ref):
sortedLL = None
cur = head_ref
while cur:
nxt = cur.next
cur.prev = cur.next = None
sortedLL = self.sortedInsert(sortedLL,cur)
cur = nxt
head_ref = sortedLL
return head_ref
def sortedInsert(self,head_ref, NewNode):
if head_ref == None:
head_ref = NewNode
elif head_ref.data >= NewNode.data:
NewNode.next = head_ref
NewNode.next.prev = NewNode
head_ref = NewNode
cur = head_ref
while cur.next != None and cur.next.data < NewNode.data:
cur = cur.next
NewNode.next = cur.next
if cur.next != None:
cur.next.prev = NewNode
cur.next = NewNode
NewNode.prev = cur
return head_ref
- Merge Sort:
def sortedMerge(self,a,b):
result = None
if a is None:
return b
if b is None:
return a
if a.data <= b.data:
result = a
result.next = self.sortedMerge(a.next,b)
result.next.prev = a
result.prev = None
result = b
result.next = self.sortedMerge(a,b.next)
result.next.prev = b
result.prev = None
return result
def mergeSort(self,h):
if h is None or h.next is None:
return h
middle = self.getMiddle(h)
nextToMiddle = middle.next
# it divides
middle.next = None
nextToMiddle.prev = None
left = self.mergeSort(h)
right = self.mergeSort(nextToMiddle)
sortedList = self.sortedMerge(left,right)
return sortedList
def getMiddle(self,head):
if head is None:
return head
slow = head
fast = head
while fast.next and fast.next.next:
slow = slow.next
fast = fast.next.next
return slow
- Quick Sort:
def partition(self, start, end):
pivot = start
cur = start
while (cur != None and cur != end):
if (cur.data < end.data):
pivot = start
start.data, cur.data = cur.data,start.data
start = start.next
cur = cur.next
if cur is None:
cur = start
start.data,end.data = end.data, start.data
return pivot
def quickSort(self, start, end):
if start == end:
pivot = self.partition(start, end)
if pivot != None:
self.quickSort(pivot.next, end)
self.quickSort(start, pivot)
Note: If there is some indentation problem while pasting code so take a look at that problem , and If you have any better implementation then you can comment.
Open for suggestion...
Thank You 😊😊
Sorting Algorithms for Singly Linked List:
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