Quick Sort: It's basically works on divide and conquer method, choose pivot as first node,last ,middle and make partition and swap values.
First Check out Basic Operation on Singly Linked list.
class Node:
def __init__(self, data=None):
self.data = data
self.next = None
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
""" Quick Sort"""
# it's basically works on divide on conquer method
# in this function we'll swap values and return pivot
def partition(self, start, end):
pivot = start # taking start(first node) as pivot
cur = start
while (cur != None and cur != end):
if (cur.data < end.data):
pivot = start
start.data, cur.data = cur.data,start.data
start = start.next
cur = cur.next
start.data,end.data = end.data, start.data
return pivot
def quickSort(self, start, end):
#base case
if start == end:
#setting up pivot
pivot = self.partition(start, end)
# recursion
if (pivot != None and pivot.next != None):
self.quickSort(pivot.next, end)
if (pivot != None and start != pivot):
self.quickSort(start, pivot)
Time Complexity:
- Best: 𝛺(n*log n)
- Average:Θ(n*log n)
- Worst: O(n*n)
Tip: If we take take pivot wisely(random pivot would be great choice) then worst case can reduced to O(n*log n)
Space Complexity: O(1)
Note: if You have any suggestion put in comments.
Thank You 😊😊
Other Sorting Algorithms:
- Bubble Sort for Singly Linked list
- Insertion Sort for Singly Linked list
- Merge Sort for Singly Linked list
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