Let's see How Insertion sort work on linked list.
In This Post we're gonna talk about Insertion Sort for singly linked list.
First Check out Basic Operation on Singly Linked list.
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
""" Insertion Sort"""
def insertionSort(self,head_ref):
sortedLL = None # sorted linked list for entering data in from main linked list
cur = head_ref
while cur:
nxt = cur.next # take cur.next in nxt bcz sortedInsert will overwrite cur
sortedLL = self.sortedInsert(sortedLL, cur)
cur = nxt
head_ref = sortedLL
return head_ref
def sortedInsert(self,head_ref, NewNode):
if head_ref is None or head_ref.data > NewNode.data:
NewNode.next = head_ref
head_ref = NewNode
cur = head_ref
while cur.next != None and cur.next.data < NewNode.data:
cur = cur.next
NewNode.next = cur.next
cur.next = NewNode
return head_ref
Time Complexity:
- Best:𝛺(n)
- Average: Θ(n*n)
- Worst: O(n*n)
Note: if You have any suggestion put in comments.
Thank You 😊😊
Other Sorting Algorithms:
- Bubble Sort for Singly Linked list
- Merge Sort for Singly Linked List
- Quick Sort for Singly Linked list
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